
Hello, bonjour, hola and welcome to Delta Brewing's web site. I'm Ray and I will be your host for these journeys. Those of you who know me and have known me for quite some time, know that I have been brewing beer now for some 40 + years and drinking coffee even longer and some may even remember Delta Brewing Company here in Sacramento back in the 1990s; a beer manufacturing brewery (not a pub) featuring Delta ESB, Chocolate Porter, Pale Ale and a California Common Lager (Steam) that was in testing just before we closed.

Pale Ale Lable 2     Delta Lager Logo 2    Porter Label 2

What I'm going to try to do is give you what experience and knowledge I have about those things brewed; beer, coffee, tea, wine (I know it's vinted) and other related products such as yogurt, cheese, breads, etc. This will be split into three categories: Brewing with fermentation (beer, wine etc), brewing without fermentation (coffee, tea etc), and fermentation without brewing (yogurt, cheese, bread etc).

Along the way I will be giving historical background to the best of my knowledge and you'll have to bear with me on this given that there is a great deal history behind all of these subjects with many different and sometimes conflicting views. So those historians out there feel free to contribute.

Along the way we will explore how beer was produced in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, wine in ancient Hellas and Rome, how coffee was grown and developed  in Ethiopia and the Sudan, fermented milk in India and the Middle East and of course the basic; bread.

And, that which many of you are looking for, how to make your own. How to brew your own beer, vint your own wine, roast your own coffee, ferment your own yogurt, bake your own bread and, we will take it from the simple "how it was made then", to the sometimes ridiculously complicated "how it's made now".

So with that being said, click through and enjoy, read, explore, or just satisfy your curiosity.